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在当今数字化浪潮汹涌澎湃的时代,人工智能技术正以前所未有的速度重塑着各个领域的创作模式。清科 AI 大模型依托先进的深度学习算法和海量数据训练,具备了卓越的图像生成能力,犹如一颗璀璨的明星,在图像创作的浩瀚星空中闪耀出独特的光芒。

In the current era when the digital wave is surging vigorously, artificial intelligence technology is reshaping the creative patterns in various fields at an unprecedented speed. The Qingke AI large model, relying on advanced deep learning algorithms and massive data training, has acquired outstanding image generation capabilities, just like a dazzling star, shining with a unique light in the vast starry sky of image creation.

只需简单地输入关键词,清科 AI 大模型就能开启一场奇妙的图像生成之旅。无论是为一篇精彩的文案寻觅相得益彰的配图,还是打造风格各异的卡通图、插画,亦或是沉浸于充满古韵的国风画卷、热血激情的动漫世界等,它都能轻松驾驭。这一强大的功能,为创作者们提供了无尽的灵感源泉和便捷的创作途径。

By simply inputting keywords, Qingke AI Large Model can embark on a wonderful journey of image generation. Whether it's finding a matching illustration for a brilliant copywriting piece, creating cartoon images and illustrations with different styles, or immersing oneself in the ancient charm of traditional Chinese paintings or the exciting world of anime, it can handle it all with ease. This powerful function provides creators with endless inspiration and convenient creation methods.

对于文案创作者而言,常常会为寻找一张契合文字意境的配图而绞尽脑汁。清科 AI 大模型的文字生图功能则让这一难题迎刃而解。比如,当撰写一篇关于宁静夏夜的抒情散文时,输入 “宁静夏夜、繁星点点、荷塘月色” 等关键词,瞬间就能得到一幅月光洒在荷塘之上,荷叶摇曳,繁星映照水面的唯美画面,为文字增添了生动的视觉感染力,让读者仿佛身临其境。这背后是模型对自然场景关键词的深度理解与图像构建能力,它能够根据对夏夜元素的语义分析,准确地在图像中布局月光、荷塘、繁星等元素,并赋予它们合适的光影与色彩效果。

For copywriters, finding a matching illustration that fits the mood of the text often poses a challenge. The text-to-image function of Qingke AI Large Model makes this problem easy to solve. For example, when writing a lyrical essay about a peaceful summer night, by inputting keywords such as "peaceful summer night, twinkling stars, moonlight on the lotus pond," a beautiful scene of moonlight shining on the lotus pond, lotus leaves swaying, and stars reflecting on the water can be instantly generated, adding vivid visual appeal to the text and making readers feel as if they are there. Behind this is the model's deep understanding of natural scene keywords and its image construction ability, which allows it to accurately arrange elements such as moonlight, lotus ponds, and stars in the image based on semantic analysis of summer night elements, and give them appropriate lighting and color effects.

国风元素在近年来备受青睐,清科 AI 大模型对国风的诠释更是令人惊艳。从古代的宫廷建筑到飘逸的汉服仙子,从神秘的敦煌壁画到诗意的江南水乡,只需输入相应的关键词,一幅幅精美的国风画卷便徐徐展开。这不仅有助于传承和弘扬中华优秀传统文化,也为文化创意产业注入了新的活力。模型在国风图像生成时,参考了大量的历史文化资料数据,对国风元素的形态、色彩、纹理等特征有着深入的学习与理解,从而能够精准地再现国风场景与形象。

Chinese traditional elements have been favored in recent years, and Qingke AI Large Model's interpretation of them is even more stunning. From ancient palace architecture to graceful Hanfu fairies, from mysterious Dunhuang murals to poetic Jiangnan water towns, by simply inputting the corresponding keywords, one can unfold a series of exquisite traditional Chinese paintings. This not only helps to inherit and promote China's excellent traditional culture but also injects new vitality into the cultural and creative industries. When generating traditional Chinese images, the model refers to a large amount of historical and cultural data, and has in-depth learning and understanding of the shapes, colors, textures, and other characteristics of traditional Chinese elements, enabling it to accurately reproduce traditional Chinese scenes and images.

此外,清科 AI 大模型还提供了多种图片比例的选择,无论是适合社交媒体分享的 1:1 正方形,还是适合手机壁纸的 9:16 竖屏比例,亦或是用于电脑桌面的 16:9 宽屏比例,都能满足不同场景下的使用需求。这使得生成的图片能够更好地适配各种展示平台,进一步拓展了其应用范围。
In addition, Qingke AI Large Model offers multiple image aspect ratio options, whether it's the 1:1 square suitable for social media sharing, the 9:16 vertical screen ratio suitable for mobile phone wallpapers, or the 16:9 widescreen ratio suitable for computer desktops, it can meet the usage needs of different scenarios. This allows the generated images to better fit various display platforms, further expanding its application range.

清科 AI 大模型文字生图功能的出现,无疑是对传统图像创作方式的一次重大革新。它打破了创作的技术壁垒,让更多人能够参与到图像创作中来。在未来,随着技术的不断发展和完善,相信清科 AI 大模型将在更多领域大放异彩,成为推动创意产业蓬勃发展的重要力量,引领我们进入一个充满无限可能的视觉创作新时代。

The emergence of Qingke AI Large Model's text-to-image function is undoubtedly a major innovation in traditional image creation methods. It breaks down the technical barriers of creation and allows more people to participate in image creation. In the future, with the continuous development and improvement of technology, Qingke AI Large Model is expected to shine brightly in more fields, becoming an important force in promoting the vigorous development of the creative industries and leading us into a new era of visual creation full of infinite possibilities.